Page name: Angry People United [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-03-05 21:11:06
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Angry People United


Do YOU get mad really easy? Like, one minute your perfectly fine, next your PISSED OFF UP THE WHAZOO?!?! Or, are you Angry at the political leader/President of your country? Are you just pissed off in general? Then this is PROBABLY where you belong. Geeze.

GOSH, Fine, I GUESS I'll tell you how to get in. Sheesh. See the list below? Yeah, that's it. Just add you're name to it, and you are in. oooh, don't you feel specail? But, um, anyways... Feel free to rant all you want or whatever... I don't really care.

I Guess if you think you're COOL enough to make a banner or whatever, you can add one. My super-great-better-than-yours banners are on there way and will be here soon, but still, you can add yours here at Angry Banners

ATTENTION!: I made some fucking awesome, (in my oppinion) New Banners... CHECK THEM OUT, DAMNIT!


Ok, Since I started the damn banner contest like ages ago, it's closed. Coolio Neko-chan wins. Only one kick-ass enough among you to actually do anything. So... yeah. Fuck everyone.

Winning Banner:Angry Banner Contest

Owner: [Maiden Donalphiel]
2.[Four Winged Fox]
4.[Night Hawk]
8.[me matas]
11.[All Gone.]
12. [Roma]
14.[Shadow of the Bat]
15. [bb5646546]
16.[stupid spork]
17.[Smile Addiction]
19.[Mulysa's Assilem]
23.[stone roses]
24.[Cafe Mocha]
25.[Adam Avenger]
26.[Last Years Craze]
27.[Falling Stars]
30.[Cause of death *broken heart*]
31.[That One Fat Bastard] when people breath it angers me
32.[The Bohemian Pixie]
33. [Alfirin Lindlea]
35. [Ghost Lilly] I hate everyone
36. [Unexpected Surprise]
37.[*Jules*] im not racest ....i hate everybody!!....equally
37. [Cherry Breath] GODDAMNIT!! >_<
38.[x Shane x]
39.[tesko suicide] ...indeed...
40.[~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]ggggggggrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!
41.[Eldanár Oronar]
42. [EverlastingDusk] Hatred is Everlasting.
43. [Steve*O] You know when you hear about bombs in London...those aren't bombs...those are Irish guys like me blowing up...
45.[hippychick] im not angry, im just seriously pissed off & its all your fault!!!
46.[The Assassin] whatever...just leave me be!
47[Robo33]when people get hurt I LAUGH!
48. [FUCKYOUHEDDA:)] life sucks...
49.[Mario57] FUCK WHAT PEOPLE THINK!!!!!!
50.[sakura_galaxy]-fucking mess with me, i will make you the new definition of a uni-k!!!!
51.[Black and White Rainbows]if u mess with me, ill rip ur head off with my bare hands and feast on ur innards. ive done it onse. i can do it agin.
52. [C-vicious] you dont like me then fuck off!
53. [Corpse_Bride]...
54. [daydreams of happyer times] people suck, they should die...yes all of you!
55.[pyrochick] i just dont like people
56. [Blaze the Nameless] Piss me off and you die.
57. [ceciliarockgurl] AHHH I hate him kill him pssh loves a lie!
58. [Neon_Corpse]People=Shit
59. [Sweet Decay.] ...fuck you all
60:[*:.\RuBbEr DuCky/.:*] dont even talk to me!
61.[no name needed]
62. [emtee_thots] damn you all!!!!
63.[Gabba Gabba Hey]
65.[New Years Revolution] angry...
68.[samantha louise!]
69.[{.*..Liz..*.} {.*Miron*.} {.*Perrine*.}]
71.[thesam-man] You will bow to me!!
72.[Jugga jigga]fuck you!
73.[mentally unstable]
72. [Lady Lucifer]
73. [Sad Lonely Angel] y wont any one leave me alone!!!
74. [emgoth] i wish people wud understand how i feel.
75. [Sad Sinner666] I hate you...really hate you!
76. [more meredith please!] so many stupid people so little time.....
77. [*ninde*]
78. [Wings_Of_Isis]
79. [PophicalVenus] fuck fuck fuckity fuck fuck fuck y'all
80. khronik15
82. [justlikelastime]
83. [Vameyre]
84. [Greeds Gurlie ^-^]
86. [Suicidal Moon]
87.[Neko the Kitty] I'm a happy person but if you piss me off...
88. [omgOMEGA] I get annoyed at everyone!!!!!! I have to see a psychiatrist!
89. [Santanna Is Deleted] im not mad all the time i think *looks around*
90. [Marine_chick27] u guys are stupid...
91. [gangsta babi gurl] yeargh urgh im an angry hippo
92.[Akayume]stupid people annoy me.....die stupid people! *cough solvieg cough*
93. [slyce69]
95. [wreckless]
96. [~Crimson Angel~]It will get ugly if you make me mad.
97. [silent_voice] *Angry glare*
98. [Stormy Sky] If I get called cute one more fucking time....
99.[cap'n sharkbait - the sword test dummy] i dont discriminate, i hate everyone
100. [kataralinet] very much so
101. [fake romances] *runs with knife* grrrr

Username (or number or email):


2004-12-31 [me matas]: **pats your head **yesh you are good ** smiles**

2004-12-31 [That One Fat Bastard]: yep *smiles*

2005-01-01 [me matas]: **laughs** what are you my little pet?

2005-01-03 [Ghost Lilly]: Can we kill my younger sibling?

2005-01-03 [me matas]: we coiuld but i think dragon would be mad1 **smiles at him** now my sister is just sitting on the floor bleeding.. **smirks** o0o well

2005-01-03 [Ghost Lilly]: *pouts* but my brother is mean to me.

2005-01-03 [me matas]: well then do what i did! kill him in his sleep!!!!!.. hee hee

2005-01-05 [That One Fat Bastard]: im quiting elftown bye bye

2005-01-05 [Ghost Lilly]: *is super sad* Ill miss you so much!

2005-01-05 [me matas]: yeah!!! **huggles** tear tear

2005-01-29 [me matas]: lol noone is here anymore! what is this!

2005-01-30 [stone roses]: hello...

2005-01-31 [me matas]: ello ello whos every one?? if there is any one?? lol... peachy keen

2005-01-31 [Ghost Lilly]: Dragon Hunter left and everyon e died... I HOPE HE IS HAPPY!

2005-02-03 [Maiden Donalphiel]: Whoa... hoo haa, we have 45 members... man, I've been grounded from the computer for like, a month or two... *sniffles* I've missed so much!

2005-02-05 [That One Fat Bastard]: im back

2005-02-07 [Ghost Lilly]: YAY, I hope your happy!

2005-02-07 [Ghost Lilly]: lol

2005-02-08 [me matas]: **huggles donalphiel and dragon** i missed you both ** glomps neko** you too where you been?

2005-02-08 [Ghost Lilly]: Theschool I go to has blocked this site so I cant get on as much as I wanted to. *sigh* its supper sad... Ive been trying to find a way around it, but so far nothing has worked.

2005-02-10 [That One Fat Bastard]: hmmm i could explan it but u need the schools password and backup password

2005-02-10 [kendo]: hi

2005-02-10 [me matas]: ello ello **tickels dragon** abd i though you were leaving us!

2005-02-10 [Ghost Lilly]: I dont have the schools password and or backup password

2005-02-11 [~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: yeah i'm back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2005-02-11 [~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: hey sis*hugs her*

2005-02-11 [me matas]: **huggles katie** why are you on the computer? where are you at school or something? lol cause im at school right now too.!

2005-02-13 [That One Fat Bastard]: i happy *tickles back* i was but im back

2005-02-15 [~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: hi allison if u r there yes i'm on at school

2005-02-16 [That One Fat Bastard]: i didnt have school SNOW DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2005-02-16 [Ghost Lilly]: Unfair, I want a snow day... we never get a snow day becuse "then we will have to make it up in the spring, and that would be just awful!"

2005-02-17 [That One Fat Bastard]: ahahah

2005-02-17 [~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: we had a snow week !!!!!!!!!! like 2-3 weeks ago because we had a bnlizzard so we didn't have schhol for a week!!!!!!!!!!*evil grins*

2005-02-18 [That One Fat Bastard]: wow

2005-02-18 [~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: i wasn't that great though because i couldn't go anywhere*pouts*

2005-02-18 [That One Fat Bastard]: haha i just had one

2005-02-22 [me matas]: **huggles dragon** lol yeah snow days rock!!!!! **pinches katie**

2005-02-26 [That One Fat Bastard]: i love them going down my neghibors hill

2005-02-28 [Ghost Lilly]: *relizes she dosnt want a snow day becuse you have to have snow to have a snow day* nevermind!

2005-03-02 [~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: lol i don't want anymore snow and we just got another storm in Boston,Mass !!=P

2005-03-02 [me matas]: yeah!!! we got like 74 inches so far i think!!!!

2005-03-03 [~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: allison we diidn't just get 74 inches u stupid bum!!!!!!!lol jk love ya!!!!!^_^

2005-03-05 [That One Fat Bastard]: i wish i would get that much

2005-03-07 [me matas]: no you dont dragon!!! katie you dumb son of a crack whore! thats how much we have total this whole winter season!!!!! **pimp-smacks you**

2005-03-08 [Ghost Lilly]: hey I just relised I do get a snow day... but its planed... that suxs

2005-03-08 [~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: mmmmmhhhhhmmmmO_o but master!!!!!

2005-03-09 [me matas]: **looks at katie** what?

2005-03-09 [~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: hehehe nuthing! trust me u don't want that much snow especially if u sk8board or bmx or anything else like that i'm still waiting so i can sk8board but in the mean time i'd like some vodka!! *goes and opens the fridge and pulls out a bottle of vodka then chugs it * ahhhh that's better any takers before i put it away?*holds the bottle out for some1 to take it*

2005-03-10 [Cause of death *broken heart*]: i'll take some

2005-03-10 [Ghost Lilly]: No thankyou. ^_^

2005-03-11 [~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: ok* pulls out some plastic cups and pours him a cup of vodka* here u go if u want more just say so!

2005-03-12 [Cause of death *broken heart*]: it should say pours HER a cup but thanks

2005-03-13 [That One Fat Bastard]: no it burns to much *drinks whiskey* now thats a burn

2005-03-15 [~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: hehe srry i'm a bad typer ! lol ^_^ lol * chugs some whisky * nope i actually like whiskey

2005-03-18 [That One Fat Bastard]: yep its goood afer da firs five rinks

2005-03-18 [~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: a yep it is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2005-03-18 [That One Fat Bastard]: yep *passes out*

2005-03-18 [~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: oooh shit *runs over 2 dragon picks him/her up smacks his/her face* wake up dammit!!!!! don't pass out plz!!!!!!!!

2005-03-18 [~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: *flicks his nose* wake up dammit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *starts to run back in forth in panick then runs back to dragon * and kicks him lighty with my foot*

2005-03-19 [Blaze the Nameless]: I have a question: When you tell people not to mess with you, how come they always mess with you and then have to kick their asses??

2005-03-19 [Ghost Lilly]: Its that reverse sycology thing (sorry about the spelling) just like when you put a sign up saying, "dont touch" someone is always going to touch it just to be smart!

2005-03-19 [Blaze the Nameless]: I guess that it.

2005-03-19 [Ghost Lilly]: Stupid people thinking they are smart!

2005-03-19 [Blaze the Nameless]: That's sad

2005-03-19 [punk_princess]: very sad...the sad state the world is in today...

2005-03-19 [Blaze the Nameless]: Yes it is

2005-03-19 [Maiden Donalphiel]: Whoa! When I wasn't looking, we got up to 57 members... ahh, fuck you all! keep on coming.

2005-03-19 [Blaze the Nameless]: LOL!

2005-03-21 [~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: *giggles* not me i don't try to be smart because i no i'm stupid!!! lol! *pours some Bailey's irish cream them chugs it * ahhhhh! damn that's good!!!

2005-03-22 [me matas]: **takes the bottle form her little sister and glares at her** you drunk stop thaT!!! YOU WANNA END UP LIKE ME?

2005-03-23 [Jen.]: Ehem.... *cough* It's called bipolar. *cough*

2005-03-23 [Jen.]: And Bailey's Irish Cream is only about 3% alcohol.

2005-03-24 [~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: i no but it tastes so good * takes the bottle back from happy then chugs the rest* y do u think i'm always thrying to be like u !!!!! cause i'm not it just so happens that i like to drink so get over urself because i actually don't want to be like u i might have when i was little but now i don't!!!!!!!!

2005-03-24 [~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: srry fer yelling *huggles allison*

2005-03-24 [Ghost Lilly]: wow and the drama unfolds. ^_^

2005-03-24 [Sweet Decay.]: Wow. this is the second wiki I've gone to today that had drinking...

2005-03-26 [punk_princess]: lol...but Bailey's is very nice...hehe

2005-03-28 [That One Fat Bastard]: wakes up* bout time

2005-03-28 [~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: oops did i wake u up with the yelling ? i love bailey's it tastes so good wow only 2 wiki's u've gone on had drinking ? that's sad people need to drink more . giggles

2005-03-28 [~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: *shrugs shoulders* o well *pulls out a bottle of Kaluha(i think that's how u spell it) u want some stupid girl?*extends out arm with the bottle still in hand*

2005-03-28 [Jen.]: Kaluah I think.

2005-03-28 [~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: who cares it's good is it not

2005-03-28 [me matas]: wow katie.. thats not what i ment and you know it i ment.. i just dont want you to make the mistakes i did ok? **huggles**

2005-03-28 [~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: i'm strictly against wat u do and that's ur buisiness so don't worry bout it okie?

2005-03-29 [Night Hawk]: ugh is this whole message board about syko and happyclown? don't you two get enough time to talk at home?

2005-03-29 [Blaze the Nameless]: I hate annoying people! They make me so dman angry!!!!

2005-03-30 [~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: thrry*giggles*

2005-03-31 [Blaze the Nameless]: I wasn't talking about you!

2005-04-03 [That One Fat Bastard]: ok lets all calm down *hands all bottle of vodka*

2005-04-04 [~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: not eally either she's out or i'm out doin things,oops i forgot wat ever else i was gonna say

2005-04-04 [~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: but measter,

2005-04-04 [me matas]: **chuggs the bottle and huggles dragon** spank you for the drink **pokes katie** yes?

2005-04-05 [~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: ur skynie *hehehe*

2005-04-05 [me matas]: **smiles** why thank you

2005-04-06 [~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: hehehe *hugs measter*

2005-04-06 [Blaze the Nameless]: I should make a banner for this wiki

2005-04-07 [~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: yea u should that'd be pretty cool

2005-04-07 [Blaze the Nameless]: I just have to think of what'll look like

2005-04-08 [~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: it could be like u take a picture of urself in the mirror looking really angry.....but don't put the camera in front of ur face

2005-04-08 [Blaze the Nameless]: Naw, I'm to ugly. I'd break the mirror and camera.

2005-04-08 [~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: ur not ugly ur actually kind ahot......*thinks to self* well then ....hmm get a friend who u think isn't ugly

2005-04-08 [Blaze the Nameless]: Me hot? Well thanks I guess. Acutally, I already have an idea.

2005-04-08 [~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: wat?

2005-04-08 [Blaze the Nameless]: You'll see

2005-04-08 [~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: okie

2005-04-11 [~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: ^_^

2005-04-13 [~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: i'm soo bored!!! gggrr!!!

2005-04-13 [me matas]: **hums to her self** my mom is makeing me verry angry

2005-04-13 [~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: y is mum making u angry measter? *hugs Measter*

2005-04-14 [That One Fat Bastard]: hiya

2005-04-14 [~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: hi dragon!!!!!!!! =)

2005-04-15 [Maiden Donalphiel]: um... *sings* THRILLER!!!! da da dun dun!!! um... *bitchslaps*

2005-04-16 [That One Fat Bastard]: owwwwwwwwwwwwww what was that for

2005-04-16 [Maiden Donalphiel]: *shrug* I dunno... um... I was thriller dancing... makes me, um... violent...

2005-04-17 [Blaze the Nameless]: Oh! Thriller!!

2005-04-27 [me matas]: by m.j?

2005-04-27 [Blaze the Nameless]: Yep!!!

2005-04-29 [~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: lol *humms to self*

2005-04-30 [Maiden Donalphiel]: UGH, stupid new rules and shitty things here. Basically all the banners of this thing has to go... time to make new banners. But damn those stupid mother fuckers!!! GOD DAMNIT.

2005-04-30 [Blaze the Nameless]: Why did they take them down?

2005-05-02 [Maiden Donalphiel]: Because it's all suddenly against the rules of photos and crap.......... so, yeah... stupid.

2005-05-05 [~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: that's fucking stupid ...that's makesmost banners good because they're pics!...fuckers!

2005-05-05 [Blaze the Nameless]: I know! They took two pictures out of my house becuase they were dolls!!!

2005-05-06 [~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: ooh doll banners ...thrry i don't really care about doll banners because i don't have any or want any ...i thought u meant pictures of objects and shit like that!

2005-05-06 [Blaze the Nameless]: They weren't doll banners. They were just dolls I have made!

2005-05-13 [*raven16*]: Fuck you all

2005-05-13 [~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: eerrmm ...okie random...anyways yay i no wat u mean u made them on right?

2005-05-13 [Ghost Lilly]: It says right in the new uploading rules that you cant have pictures of dolls up anywhere on ET now.

2005-05-14 [Blaze the Nameless]: I know! It's retarded! I mean, i used the and I even said that I had the got the dolls from there.

2005-05-16 [~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: that sucks for u guys ....o feel thrry for u guys............*gives every1 hugs to make them feel better*

2005-05-16 [Blaze the Nameless]: Thanks

2005-05-16 [~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: any i love hugs!

2005-05-16 [Blaze the Nameless]: Me too!!

2005-05-19 [Maiden Donalphiel]: ...Are we dead yet?

2005-05-20 [samantha louise!]: hewo pplz

2005-05-20 [Blaze the Nameless]: No I don't think we are dead yet

2005-05-31 [me matas]: ello ello

2005-06-02 [Maiden Donalphiel]: *whines* Why not? Damn it.... J/K peeps

2005-06-02 [Blaze the Nameless]: If we were dead, they'd be bunnies

2005-06-03 [Maiden Donalphiel]: ....EW.

2005-06-08 [Maiden Donalphiel]: wow, 71 members... I should make a new banner, shouldn't I? Applaud me if I should... DO IT!

2005-06-08 [me matas]: **applauds**

2005-06-09 [Ghost Lilly]: Well... *looks up at benners* since they are all broken images... yes you should... but Im not in the mood to clap

2005-06-09 [Maiden Donalphiel]: They're all broken because they changed the picture rules... and I'll see what I can do.

2005-06-09 [Ghost Lilly]: Tis sad, I liked the one I had in my house, one of my favorite banners. +_+

2005-06-10 [Maiden Donalphiel]: Which one?

2005-06-13 [~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: manomeinop! doo doo do do do monominop!

2005-06-14 [Ghost Lilly]: Um.... you know... that one banner... the one with the wall.

2005-06-16 [Maiden Donalphiel]: Gotcha. And I liked that one too... those bastards. no reason to delete it and such. Really now. Glargh.

2005-06-18 [Blaze the Nameless]: I sometimes wished they lighten up on the rules with banners.

2005-06-23 [Maiden Donalphiel]: I made a banner, and I mght make a few more. Take that, bitches!!!

2005-06-23 [Sad Lonely Angel]: the guards are such pains in the asses!

2005-06-25 [Maiden Donalphiel]: ooooh, we've got to 75 peeps... nice....

2005-06-25 [Ghost Lilly]: YAY!!!! *dances*

2005-06-25 [Sad Lonely Angel]: thats kool, better than my wiki!

2005-06-25 [Ghost Lilly]: yeah, better then most of my wiki's, but I kinda inherited the one that has more. ^_^

2005-06-25 [Sad Lonely Angel]: thats kool

2005-06-25 [Ghost Lilly]: ^_^ yeah, but I take good care of it. ^_^

2005-06-25 [Sad Lonely Angel]: i do mine too!

2005-06-25 [Ghost Lilly]: I belive you. ^_^ what is your wiki?

2005-06-25 [Sad Lonely Angel]: [nosfeatu and the vampress coven@ wiki] just look around in there and you should be able to figure it out!!!

2005-06-26 [Maiden Donalphiel]: hahaha, I don't think I take very good care of this little wiki... but... um... I try? kinda?

2005-06-26 [Sad Lonely Angel]: it wirks, its much better than mine, i only have what 4 ppl on mine!

2005-06-26 [Maiden Donalphiel]: Well... I think it's just cause a lot of people are angry... And so it's pretty much okay if people get mad at me here for being a bad... host or whatever. ehehehe. I think I'll join yours, doot doot doot.

2005-06-26 [Sad Lonely Angel]: spiffyness!

2005-06-26 [Ghost Lilly]: ... ^_^

2005-06-27 [Maiden Donalphiel]: ...everytime I look we've gone up by three people... KEEP JOINING FUCKERS, HAHAHAHAHA! ...okay... I'm good now...

2005-06-27 [Sad Lonely Angel]: *laughs*

2005-06-27 [Ghost Lilly]: ...

2005-06-27 [Sad Lonely Angel]: hi welcome to the party [Ghost Lilly] ^_^

2005-06-28 [me matas]: ello ello !!!

2005-06-28 [Ghost Lilly]: Thank you.... have I been gone that long.... *looks up two comments*... um... no. ^_^

2005-06-28 [Sad Lonely Angel]: *giggles* yeah, but everything seem like forever to me! considering i am on the computer for about 20 hours at a time!

2005-06-28 [Ghost Lilly]: .. ^_^ oh, ok. lol

2005-06-29 [Sad Lonely Angel]: its great, unless no one is on to talk to!

2005-06-29 [Ghost Lilly]: Oh yeah I know that feeing, Im on quite often too... well lately I have been.. but sometimes I cant. ^_^;

2005-06-29 [Sad Lonely Angel]: same here!

2005-06-29 [Ghost Lilly]: hee hee. Im sorry.

2005-06-29 [Sad Lonely Angel]: tis all good, hey y r u sorry?

2005-06-29 [Ghost Lilly]: becuse... ok I dont know why. ^^;

2005-06-29 [Sad Lonely Angel]: its ok......its all good *hugs [Ghost Lilly]*

2005-06-29 [Ghost Lilly]: ^_^ Thank you.

2005-06-29 [Sad Lonely Angel]: my pleasure ^_^

2005-06-29 [Ghost Lilly]: WHEEE!

2005-06-29 [Sad Lonely Angel]: *giggles cutely* having fun ic!!!!

2005-06-29 [Ghost Lilly]: yep! ^U^ anyways Ive gtg. JaNe!

2005-06-29 [Sad Lonely Angel]: TTFN bye bye!

2005-06-30 [Sanity Of A Psycho]: =) hello ppl

2005-06-30 [Sad Lonely Angel]: sup

2005-07-01 [Quirky]: Ok...(here's my venting) Lately when I'm w/ my b/f I feel like I'm baby sitting him instead of dating him...It's gettin' old...

2005-07-01 [Maiden Donalphiel]: *sigh* I'm FINALLY back from camp! My nose is sun burnt, I'm not in a good mood, and I want to go swimming. Geagh. Being stuck with girls for a week has really killed me....

2005-07-01 [Sad Lonely Angel]: well......[Quirky] if that the case i would tell him to grow up or find some one new!

2005-07-02 [Quirky]: Heh. I told him that my eyes are starting to wonder towards other people andif he wants to keep me he does need to grow up and quit being a baby. Lmao

2005-07-02 [Quirky]: [Maiden Donalphiel] I know how you feel. I just got back from boot camp. It was fun, but hard. I got sunburnt to horrendous extents. I had to have a doctor look at the back of my neck. 

2005-07-02 [Sins to Virtues]: Do we have to ask to join?

2005-07-02 [Sad Lonely Angel]: no you dont!

2005-07-02 [Maiden Donalphiel]: Nah, just join... it's cool... and [Quirky] Hahaha, thanks for understanding... and sorry about that boy of yours... I absolutely HATE taking care of boys when they want to act like a baby... Tell him it makes him highly unatractive.

2005-07-03 [Sad Lonely Angel]: no man is acting like that tooo!

2005-07-03 [Blaze the Nameless]: Tell me, when you're angry do you raise your voice? It's very random I know.

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